Wednesday, May 14, 2008

In Melbourne at last

After a lovely flight, we arrived in Melbourne to a beautiful Autumn day. We spent the late afternoon and early evening getting to know the Swinburne Tafe area and the Melbourne train system. We are all absolutely exhausted now, so off to have a cuppa and a chat with the lovely Corinne who arrived a couple of hours ago.
No photos yet, will try and post more tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Hope you are all getting about in Fluevogs!

Anonymous said... all of the photos you have posted and write all seems so dreamy now and I just wish so much to be back there with homesick i feel for your country, for old and new friends! what a wonderful trip, full of such great memories, much laughter, wonderful art, and beautiful people! thank you!!!
i look forward to your nina post...and i need to post, much to say...but how can such things be but into words. hope you are settling back calmly.