Monday, March 12, 2007

All about Michael

Michael deMeng is an incredibly talented artist, with a natural flair for teaching. He makes everyone in his class feel comfortable and above all, creative! Not to mention he is just a real nice guy!!
The thing I found interesting while sitting in on his classes was that every single student created a completely different piece of art work. Even though they may have all started out with similar base materials, ie, altoid tins, pez etc... the finished products were all incredibly varied. The pics show several pieces of completed work and a class in progress.
I have come away from these classes with a new appreciation for the humble liquid nails and so many new ways to use the beautiful Golden paints. Hoping to do some experimenting on my mask today.... Oh and finally I can justify my ever growing hordes of 'junk' and I shall never again throw the kids toys away without careful inspection of their artistic possibilites!
And Michael, if you happen to look here, I have put in a photo of my dearest husband so you can see he is not a mythical character!! You will get to meet him in December.

1 comment:

Bernie Berlin said...

Glad to see Michael had a Great time!!
I'm soooooo jealous:)